What is this course about

The problem of evil definition and beyond

The problem of evil summary (God and the problem of evil):

The Problem of Evil in philosophy of religion or The Question of Evil is the philosophical question about attempts at refutation of "the problem of evil argument" or simply "argument of evil": Why does evil exists, how there can/could be a good and omnipotent God, if evil exists: why doesn't God remove all the evil, whilst God is good and God is omnipotent? The existence of evil seems to contradict the existence of God. Or put short: Why does evil exist if there is God? Existence of evil looks like to be incompatible with good God who is omnipotent.

Postulated explanations of this paradox are known as theodicies.

One of the traditional solutions of this philosophical problem is stating that absolute evil does not exist, only relative evil (less good). Einstein is (falsely) credited with words "Darkness does not exist, only less light." to address his professor's question "If God is good why does evil exist?" Be it Einstein or not, the argument is worth.

Sometimes atheists got emotional argument: Why children cancer exists, if there is moral and just God? But really, in the sight of God is seen every atom; and atoms don't get sick in cancer. This is my way to say that evil is relative.

I further extend this concept with a precise mathematical model of evil, to state what allows you to discuss the problem of evil  more precisely, in mathematical terms.

In this course you are taught a mathematical model of evil based on college mathematics and beyond.


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Course curriculum

  1. 01
    • A Mathematical Model of Absolute and Relative Evil

    • A Mathematical Model of Absolute and Relative Evil


Your instructor is Victor Porton, the person who discovered ordered semigroup actions (and wrote 500 pages about them), a theory as general as group theory but unknown before. Victor Porton is a programming languages polyglot, author of multitudinous softwares and programming libraries, blockchain expert and winner of multitudinous blockchain hackathons, author of several books, a philosopher.

Victor Porton


Pricing options


  • What do I learn in this course?

    You learn to mathematically model a wide range of evils, from a philosophical viewpoint.

  • Did you fully solve the problem of evil?

    It is yet remain to understand why abrupt changes in nature (e.g., if your brain memory is erased to make you good) are evil.