About this course

For whom is discontinuous analysis?

Welcome to this thingy of non-continuous analysis: it’s a calculus for mathematicians and advanced math for engineers course. This advanced calculus is just a must for a physicist. If you want to do calculus self-study, this course in functional analysis and its applications to differential equations is for you, too (this course is not in university programs). Because discrete calculus is of interest for software developers, I welcome programmers, too, to learn a sound foundation of discrete analysis.

You will learn advanced calculus tricks allowing to formalize such things as derivative of discontinuous functionIn general this course generalized any kind of calculus limit from convergent only to any divergent case.

Discontinuous analysis allows to unite discrete calculus (discrete derivativediscrete integral) and the usual calculus into one powerful theory using general topologyMy generalized derivative (not the same as generalized derivative in distributions theoryapplies to any function whatsoever. The same applies to my generalized integral and generalized limit in general.

Derivative of non-continuous function is often not a number but an infinite dimensional vector. Nevertheless, because it is a vector in a linear space, formulas like f'(x) – f'(x) = 0 still apply, what simplifies your calculationsYou can for example add, substrate, etc. infinite series without worrying whether they are convergent. You can check convergence at the end of calculations.

told that this is a must for physicist. Probably we will discover using this theory something new about black holes connecting general relativity and quantum mechanics into a new kind of quantum gravity theory - share a Nobel Prize with me then. Anyway various topics about non-continuous analysis are perfect PhD research topics.


  • Access Anytime Anywhere

    You can learn while you are for example at home or in a train.

  • Self Pace

    There are no whatsoever restrictions of how fast or slow you learn. You are not required for example finish learning a chapter of a textbook during a week.

  • Get Certified

    You receive certificates your learning is worth.

Available in the course:

  • We start with a graphical explanation and then go into mathematical details.

  • It uses the theory of "funcoids", a highly abstract thing from topology. This course doesn't include detailed information on funcoids (just their definitions - several equivalent ones), so some proofs may be not understood by you (just believe me), but you can read about funcoids in freely available sources, if you want to check proofs.

  • Support from Newton, err... the author.

  • Course certification with simple exam questions will be added. Everybody who will pass receives "Master of discontinuous analysis" certificate!

  • There are two definitions of generalized limit: an axiomatic one and a concrete one. In usual cases they are equivalent. Choose any of the two. You don't need to remember all the definitions when you just calculate, just follow simple rules.

  • We take limits on "filters". That's a way to describe limits, upper limits, lower limits, ..., gradients, etc. with the same simple formulas, rather than repeating similar definitions over and over as you see in calculus books. It's not hard to understand.

  • You learn some of general topology just by the way, without being taught it in a usual boring non-understandable way. You learn newest discoveries in general topology and it's easy.

  • Apply it not only to continuous functions but also to discrete analysis (read: graph theory). Yes, you can apply analysis to graphs. Software developers!

Course curriculum

  1. 01
    • Introductory video

  2. 02
    • Title

  3. 03
    • Introduction

    • A popular introduction (graphs)

    • Funcoids (introduction)

    • Limit for Funcoids

    • Axiomatic Generalized Limit

    • Generalized Limit

    • Generalized Limit vs Axiomatic Generalized Limit

    • Operations on Generalized Limits

    • Equivalence of Different Generalized Limits

    • Hierarchy of Singularities

    • Funcoid of Singularities

    • Funcoid of Supersingularities

    • Derivative

    • The Necessary Condition for Minimum

    • An Example Differential Equation

  4. 04
    • My version of quantum gravity - research it and share Nobel prize with me

Victor Porton

Instructor Bio:

Your instructor is Victor Porton, the person who discovered ordered semigroup actions (and wrote 500 pages about them), a theory as general as group theory but unknown before. Victor Porton is a programming languages polyglot, author of multitudinous softwares and programming libraries, blockchain expert and winner of multitudinous blockchain hackathons, author of several books, a philosopher.

Victor Porton


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Some things not ready

  • My theory of quantum gravity is not checked for existence and uniqueness of of solutions. Solve it and share a Nobel Prize with me?

  • Discontinuous analysis on compacts is not yet described.

Additional products


  • You are a crackpot! There is no limit of an arbitrary function at every point.

    Of course, there is no such thing. But there is a generalized definition of limit that does exist for every function at every point. That's similar to root of -1: it does not exist in real numbers but exists for a wider set, complex numbers.

  • What are usages of discontinuous analysis?

    In discontinuous analysis all series, derivatives, integrals, etc. exist. This allows for example to cancel f'(x) - f'(x) = 0 for every function without first checking that the derivative exists. That simplifies your work. There is a conjectured quantum gravity theory based on discontinuous analysis.

  • What is level and prerequisites?

    This is intended to be mathematical analysis for PhD. So, it's PhD-level math, but to understand it you need to know only basic calculus, what is general topology, and what is linear algebra. Therefore you can benefit from it if you are not a PhD, too.

  • To which kinds of numbers is it applicable?

    It is applicable to functions on real numbers, complex numbers, vectors, infinite dimensional vectors, etc. The exact conditions are specified in the lessons, but it is applicable to a VERY broad class of spaces.

  • Whom is this course for?

    Mathematics for PhDs. Mathematicians! Engineers. Physicists! (If you are a physicist, you have no right not to take this course.) Economists? I think, economists. And you can apply this to graphs instead of continuous functions - software developers!

  • What is missing compared to standard analysis courses?

    Functions between compact spaces are not yet well-researched in discontinuous analysis.

  • What is your theory's advantage over the theory of distributions?

    I remind that the theory of generalized functions or distributions also allows to study functions with discontinuities and infinite values.

    But to have for instance product of two generalized functions in terms of distributions, you need to check complex pre-conditions. In my theory, every algebraic operation defined on numbers is also defined for generalized "quantities". So, you can freely multiple any two functions (if there is a multiplication in your space).